Steps To Secure Dentistry Work Experience
Work experience is an important aspect to focus on when applying to dental school. Showing that you have actively gone to seek out this experience sets you apart from those who have expressed an interest but have not acted on this. It’s great to say you have thought about your decision and supplemented this with actually seeing how a dentist works. It proves to the admissions team that you are serious about potentially pursuing this career path!
Don’t get too bogged down with how long you should do your work experience. This can vary for each person but often, a few weeks is more than enough. Remember, there is more value in a week where you have observed many interesting cases and learnt a lot compared to a month of not making the most out of your shadowing!
How do I secure work experience?
There are many ways to secure work experience and you should do this as soon as possible. Some schools can help you organise this as they may have contacts so do speak to your teachers or whoever oversees this at your school.
If your school does not provide this, a good place to start is asking your own general dentist. Since you already have a relationship with them, most dentists are more than happy to let you shadow. After your next appointment, mention to your dentist that you are interested in applying to dental school and want to see how they work on a day-to-day basis.
Another option is to email local dental practices or contact teaching dental hospitals for work experience. In your email, you want to address the person formally and introduce yourself, your intentions of applying to dental school and that you have an interest in shadowing.
Make the most out of your work experience
A good idea is after each day, write down something interesting you have seen or learnt. With so much information, it can be difficult to remember everything so keeping a detailed diary is helpful when writing your personal statement - Read 'UCAS Dentistry Personal Statement Tips You Need To Know'.
Make sure you ask questions to the dentist and be active in finding out more. Most patients are fine with students observing and let’s say you heard something interesting, wait until the patient and ask the dentist what that might have meant.